digital pathology reporting from remote locations
What is Digital pathology?
True Digital Pathology is the ability to acquire and digitize slides irrespective of the preanalytic variations, consistently produce high-quality digital slides across stain and sample types, store the digitized slides securely, manage and share the cases and interpret the pathological information
15 min read
High quality digital pathology scans from Morphle microscope slide scanner
H Pylori vs Digital Pathology
One of the most important questions raised about Digital Pathology is the ability to reliably detect Helicobacter pylori (HP) in gastric biopsies. Given the tiny size of the bacteria, Learn how Morphle microscope slide scanners powered by Digital Pathology 2.0 helps practices that need high resolution @ high speed for comprehensive digital and/or remote microscopy.
3 min read
Dr. Imran khan from NIH using Morphle digital pathology slide scanner
CMS reimbursements x Digital Pathology
"A rising tide lifts all boats"

The recent policy changes are bound to make Digital Pathology in routine reporting a norm.

The new category III CPT codes to be reported in conjunction with the category I CPT codes to account for the extra costs and efforts involved.
5 min read
Shipping Microscope slide scanners globally
3 continents, 2 doctors, 1 device, and a travel freeze

The journey of a Microscope slide scanner to help Digitize slides and share them securely across continents to enable sub specialty reporting seamlessly amidst the COVID 19 pandemic.

A customer centric design approach with the right service and support enables the 1st Digital Pathology Lab in Cambodia
3 min read
Dr. Imran khan from NIH using Morphle digital pathology slide scanner
Morphle manufactures its 101st slide scanner for NIH’s NCI.
Morphle Manufactures its cerimonial microscope slide scanner for NIH's National Cancer Institue.

Non Black box solutions with ~0% slide rejections makes Digital Pathology a bliss
2 min read